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My name is Courtney Myers. I received my bachelors degree at Kansas State University. I went on to start my masters at The University of Kansas before moving to TN; at which point I completing my coursework at APSU. I am excited to create memories with my first group of 5th grade Kirkwood Cobras! This year is sure to be filled with lots of learning, laughing & lifelong memories. I look forward to working with my students & watching them meet & exceed their goals. My fundamental philosophy as an educator is that every child has a right to feel safe, loved, valued & appreciated. My job is to fulfill their sense of value in the classroom as I support them & teach them to soar high. Parent involvement & insight is key, as it really does take a village to raise a child. I will always be available for input, thoughts, and questions. In my free time I love to spending time with my family, relaxing in a hammock, and reading a good book. I am a lover of coffee, animals, laughter & adventure.
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