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A little about me: I graduated from Cheatham Co. Central H.S. in 2003. After graduation I traveled with a volunteer program called AmeriCorps N.C.C. C. (National Civilian Community Corps). I had the opportunity to work in various environments and served a diverse community of people. I realized I loved to help others and started to contemplate teaching. I moved to Seattle to volunteer with City Year in the school system before making the decision to major in Education. I graduated from Austin Peay State University in 2009. I taught at Rossview Elementary from 2009-2024. I am so excited to be a Kirkwood cobra this year! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your second grader!
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Prepare to learn.

Be positive.

Try your best.

Believe in yourself.

Be respectful to others.

Try new things.

Always be kind.

Ask questions.

Be honest.

Work hard and have fun.

Classroom Books