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I am Mrs. Tina Schlipp and I am excited to join Kirkwood Elementary as the 3-4th grades extended resource teacher. This is my 24rd year of teaching and I have taught everything from K-8th grade. I currently hold 3 Masters degrees revolving around education. I also hold certifications in ELL and teaching the blind and visually impaired. I believe that all students can learn and strive to create a community of excellence within my classroom. I also believe that partnerships with the parents and community are keys to student growth and keep an open door policy where all are heard.

I am a MI native and moved to TN in 2004. I live in Robertson county with my husband and two boys. I like to read and keep up-to-date on educational changes so that I can be the best teacher I can be for your children. In my free time, I like to travel and write. Welcome to Kirkwood!
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All students will respect the rights of themselves and their classmates to learn at their fullest potential. Respect is key to forming positive social communities.

All students are asked to try their very best and to ask for help when needed. 

Mistakes are proof that you are trying and growing from those mistakes is learning.

Classroom Books